A couple of interesting posts on kids, eating, and beige foods

Two posts on different blogs within two days caught my attention: One Fit Mom’s Are Paleo Kids Better Eaters? and Jamie Glowacki’s The Whole Gluten Free Thing.

Jamie discusses the changes she’s seen in her son since removing grains from his diet (alongside hers, as well). In short: low grade but chronic health issues – gone, and better behaviour to boot. Love her quote, “Once you get on the path of mac and cheese and goldfish…it’s hard to get off.”

Carli makes observations about her son’s eating habits and the comments she gets from other parents who wonder how she gets him to eat so much meat and veg. She also notes that her son snacks significantly less than others. My favourite quote from her: “Once they’ve jumped on the “beige foods” bandwagon — bread, crackers, cereal, rice, pasta, bananas, breaded chicken, etc. — it can be incredibly difficult to get them to eat anything else.” I also found her thoughts on milk really interesting, though I’d add that I think juice is as big a problem as any.

I’ve been working on a post about kids and eating for about 4 months now and most of my thoughts are along the same lines. We don’t have a strict gluten-free or primal/paleo household but strive to eat real, quality, whole foods and I have noticed a lot of differences between my son and other kids his age. Hopefully I’ll get that post done sooner rather than later!