Day 3

How is it only 3 days already?? Feels like an eternity of drumming up the willpower to stay away from excess sugar & carbs…craving everything bad sooooo much. I crave milk a lot too. I’ve drunk too much of it in the last couple years, ever since becoming pregs. I used to hate milk! Now it’s hard to stay away! So weird.

Breakfast: plain latte from Balzacs with cinnamon & cocoa on top, paleo bar brought with- great morning for a playdate at the Port Dalhousie lakeside park – was gorgeous out.

Lunch: leftovers from last night… quinoa-beef enchilada mixture

Snack: paleo bar, milk

Dinner: meatballs, broccoli with spicy (and sugary 😦 )peanut sauce, avocado slices with soy sauce & sriracha, orange slices, glass dry chardonnay

Need to plan out more meals, need energy to do get organized, need energy to do a bunch of cooking either during naptime or evening. Unfortunately, it is not working well to have to prep dinner in the 4-5pm range. Bodkins needs to go outside again or have some kind of distraction from the witching hour and it’s WAY too difficult to try to be cooking or prepping food at that time of the day. I can do it a couple times a week when Dada comes up to spend time with him pre-dinner, but he can’t necessarily come up that early every day. Took a long nap/doze/rest today while Bodkins napped and I really needed that but it was so much precious kitchen time. This bug is really wiping me out.




1 thought on “Day 3

  1. Ugh, I know. The 4-5 time slot is iffy at our house too. The kids like to be outside playing. Lately I’ve been sometimes trying to have 90% of the prep done by about 3 or 3:30 so that we can be outside until 5 or shortly thereafter. But it’s hard, and I don’t like to eat cold meals all the time. And I also like the chance to relax during the early afternoon nap rather than doing food prep.

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